Shiny Object Syndrome and How to Avoid It

Shiny Object Syndrome

Written by Fawn

Wife, Mom, Blogger, Photographer, Beach Lover, Cookbook Fanatic, Health & Fitness Coach, Printable Maker, Lover of Bourbon and Black Coffee…Adultish (sometimes)
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Shiny object syndrome is the term used to describe people who are so easily distracted by new technology and trends that they lose sight of their original goal or project.

If you suffer from shiny object syndrome you are always looking for the next best thing and will often neglect current commitments to pursue new opportunities. You can be easily be distracted by a new product or activity and stop whatever you’re doing to follow it.

Shiny objects syndrome is not only limited to technology but can also be applied to other things such as fashion trends or lifestyle choices.

One thing I want to help you avoid as a new blogger is falling into the trap of shiny object syndrome. When you start your blog, you will likely do it with Google open in the next tab over. While Googling how-tos, you will come across many people who are self-proclaimed “experts” in blogging.

I wasted a lot of time and energy battling shiny object syndrome and FOMO (fear of missing out) when I started blogging. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to get my act together and stay focused. Still, there are days I find myself slipping down the rabbit hole as I’m researching a concept or idea for a post. It’s frustrating, but I have a lot more control than I did initially.

Does any of that sound familiar? If not, I’m jealous, and you need to tell me your secrets, you magical unicorn!

Check out this book on Shiny Object Syndrome and Entrepreneurs.

5 Tips to Help Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome

1. Decide on Your End Goal

When trying to create a new blog, you must ask yourself what your end goal is. What is your vision for the blog? What do you want to see happen? If you can answer these questions, you are one step closer to getting your blog going.

As you are getting started, think carefully about your priorities and ensure you’re achieving what you set out to do. There are many ways to tackle this approach, and one of them is being mindful of your time and resources.

An easy way to combat shiny object syndrome is to use a planner. This will help you set goals and prioritize your time. If you see yourself deviating from your plan, you can review your planner and refocus on your goals. This will help keep you from getting distracted by new blogging courses that pop up in your email or Facebook ads for mastermind groups on your niche topic.

2. Avoid Distractions

Try to avoid anything that distracts you from your goals. It’s important not to lose focus. Shiny object syndrome is a common problem among entrepreneurs, the media, and everyday people. The idea is that you are distracted by the lure of something new rather than focusing on what you are working on often leads to scattered results. It’s important to emphasize what you have to offer and not what you don’t have.

3. Break Down the Steps of Your Plan

In the world of social media, you are constantly bombarded by shiny objects, i.e., new better strategies…get this course…buy my templates. Post after post, Ad after Ad. Your eyes are drawn to the new and exciting things that pop up on your screen.

The goal is to break down the steps in your plan to make sure shiny objects don’t distract you.

To start, make a list of the steps you need to take before you begin. Next, layout a calendar with the dates of each step so that when you start, it’ll be easy to keep track of what’s going on. Finally, have daily goals and reminders to check off when you complete each task and step. Having a list of things to do each day before moving ahead with the next set of tasks is the best way to keep track of your progress! If you want an easy tracking system, I recommend using a weekly view printed calendar or an online calendar, like Google Calendar, to set up your tasks.

4. Set a Deadline for Your Projects

Shiny object syndrome tends to focus on new and exciting things, often at the expense of long-term goals. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype around a new product, but this can be detrimental if you don’t manage your time correctly.

A deadline can be a huge motivator to get work done. Set yourself a realistic timeline that you think will allow you to finish your project and set some milestones. Having a deadline will help you stay on track and motivated to reach your goal.

5. Create a Budget for Your Blog

Create a budget and stick to it. Your budget should include everything from hosting your blog to the cost of education. Budget everything.

Don’t let shiny object syndrome break your budget. If you have money budgeted for certain expenses, don’t go over budget just because you see something you think you have to have. As a consumer, you have unprecedented access to products and services via apps, social media, and other technology. This dazzling variety of options creates a feeling of FOMO (fear of missing out) because it’s impossible to experience all the latest stuff. Stay focused, stay on budget, and keep your deadlines.

Final Thoughts on Shiny Object Syndrome

Shiny object syndrome is a condition in which your attention is so diverted by external stimuli that you cannot focus on your original task. You can deal with this by time management and self-motivation. Try cutting out distractions, limiting the number of tasks in the day, and setting realistic expectations. Of course, you’re not going to get rid of all distractions. However, you can put a plan in place to make sure you stay focused and stay on task.

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Shiny Object Syndrome

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